
Before his last Bond film, Sean Connery was a king in this fun time travel fantasy

The big picture

  • Sean Connery's role in
    Time Bandits
    was initially a joke, but ultimately gave the film a lot of heart.
  • Connery's involvement was secured through the connection of producer Denis O'Brien, who assisted him in creative decisions.
  • Connery's portrayal of King Agamemnon stands out for exuding warmth and depth in his limited screen time.

The 1980s were a golden age for fantasy films, but one that is often overlooked is Time Bandits. Leaded by Terry Gilliam and written by him and his colleague Monty Python's Flying Circus, Michael PalinIt is a little boy named Kevin (Craig Warnock), who is taken on a fantastic adventure through time and space and meets six dwarves. They used to work for the Supreme Being (Tony Jay And Ralph Richardson) as space-time repairmen until they realized they could use their map of the rifts to steal the riches of history. Unfortunately, their get-rich-quick plan is being monitored by evil (David Warner), the physical embodiment of evil in the universe, who wants to use the card to escape from his prison.

The film featured some fantastic talent, including his Python colleague John Cleese, Sir Ian Holm, Katharina HelmondAnd Peter Vaughan. The biggest name among them, however, was Sir Sean ConneryAt this time he was nearing the end of his career as James Bond, his last role coming two years later in never say NeverAlthough Connery's role in Time Bandits isn't that bad, but it's still one of the film's most memorable performances as it gives the film heart. Connery also helped Gilliam behind the scenes, making sure the film was produced as efficiently as possible.

Time Bandits

Release date
July 16, 1981

Terry Gilliam

110 minutes


Handmade films

Terry Gilliam never thought Sean Connery would star in “Time Bandits”

Connery's involvement in Time Banditsstarted as an inside joke between Gilliam and Palin. When Kevin is transported to ancient Greece, he witnesses King Agamemnon fighting a Minotaur. After killing the beast, Agamemnon removes his helmet and the script states that the actor is “none other than Sean Connery or an actor of equal or lesser rank.” They never imagined that the acclaimed actor would agree to take part in their project.

Fortunately, there are many connections in the film industry that can make the impossible possible. The producer of the film was Denis O’Brienthe manager of the former Beatles George Harrison. O'Brien founded a production company, HandMade Films, and had previously worked with the Pythons on Monty Python's Life of Brian. One day O'Brien was playing golf with Connery, a fan of the Pythons, and told him about Time bandits. After reading the script, Connery agreed to the project in return for a small fee and a share of the gross profits.

Sean Connery helped Terry Gilliam with creative decisions

A man on horseback in Time Bandits
Image via HandMade Films (Distributors) Ltd.

Connery came to Morocco to film the ancient Greek sections. His appearance was a great blessing for Gilliamwho was beginning to feel overwhelmed trying to make the film work. Gilliam quoted, “He literally saved my ass. Sean looked at my storyboards and said, 'Forget it, you're not going to get it done, boy.' So I started throwing pages away. All he said was, 'Yes, sir.' I suddenly felt like I was in the hands of an incredible actor with great experience. And we got through that first day thanks to his pragmatism, not my ambition.” Unnecessary scenes that were cut included one in which King Agamemnon mounts a horse, which Connery thought would have looked silly.

Unfortunately, even with Connery’s help, the crew couldn't film everything they needed before he had to leaveThis forced them to rework the ending, in which Agamemnon would help Kevin fight evil and die in the process. When he learned that this would be his character's fate, Connery suggested that it might be more entertaining if Agamemnon appeared after the climax as one of the firemen who rescued Kevin from his collapsing house.

Funnily enough, this minor suggestion eventually made it into the finished product. When Gilliam and his crew were back in England to shoot the final scene with Kevin and his destroyed house, he learned that Connery was nearby and was meeting with his accountant for the day. A car ride later, Connery was dressed as a fireman, rescuing Kevin and giving him a menacing wink before driving away. So whether the film was a dream or reality remained uncertain. The integration is so seamless that most viewers would not realize it was a last-minute addition.

Sean Connery gives “Time Bandits” heart

While Connery’s role on screen in Time Bandits is limited, it remains one of the outstanding moments thanks to the surprising warmth it brings. He serves as a father figure to Kevin, whose home life is far from ideal. Both parents are materialistic and care more about their fancy household appliances that serve as a symbol of wealth than their son. They spend their time watching a terrible game show called “Your Money or Your Life” and are exactly the kind of people Evil wants to turn everyone into should he escape. They only focus on themselves.


Sean Connery had a real James Bond moment at the beginning of his career

The star's unexpected encounter with a violent gangster has led to a Hollywood legend.

In contrast, Agamemnon proves to be a king worthy of his title. Kevin encounters him in the middle of a battle with a deadly monster that threatens his people, and he thanks Kevin for helping to distract him. Realizing that Kevin is alone and needs help, he takes him back to his city and even offers to adopt him and make him his heir. Agamemnon represents everything Kevin hopes for from his adventure. He is the father Kevin wants: someone who cares for him and is willing to lift him up rather than push him aside. And at the center of it all is Connery. His calm voice, friendly twinkle in his eye and cheerful disposition do a phenomenal job of bringing so much character to Agamemnon in his limited screen time. He even made several suggestions to make his character a better father figure, such as having Agamemnon perform a little magic trick for Kevin. While it may not be one of Connery's best roles, his performance in Time Bandits helps to give the film a moment of warmth and lightness and remains a highlight of this underrated fantasy film.

Time Bandits is available on Prime Video in the US

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