
A list of the most iconic Leonardo DiCaprio movies, ranked –

Considered by many to be one of the greatest actors of our generation, Leonardo DiCaprio has captured the hearts, minds and souls of millions with his magnetic charm and chameleon-like ability to master any role. In his decades-long career, DiCaprio has become synonymous with captivating performances and unforgettable films. Whether you crave pulse-pounding thrillers or heart-wrenching dramas, Leo has the role for you. Dive into our curated list to revisit iconic classics, discover hidden gems and chart a path through the captivating filmography of one of Hollywood's most beloved actors. It's time to dive into the best Leonardo DiCaprio movies, as chosen by the consensus of eight critics. If you have any favorites you'd like to suggest that aren't on our list, feel free to leave us a comment below!

You have to see these films with Leonardo DiCaprio at least once

1. “The Departed” (2006)

Watch Leo lift the curtain on the dark underbelly of organized crime and law enforcement. As described by diversity“DiCaprio delivered a one-two punch” with seismic twists. Leonardo DiCaprio shows his inner turmoil and vulnerability and delivers an electrifying performance that earned him “a double nomination at the Golden Globes and a nomination for Best Supporting Actor at the SAG Awards.”

How boasted of Film-Web“The Departed is a film full of great acting and a gripping crime plot.” Directed by Martin Scorsese, Leonardo DiCaprio “goes undercover to investigate the crimes of gang leader Frank Costello (Jack Nicholson), while one of Costello's young followers, Colin Sullivan (Matt Damon), infiltrates the police department.” This cult crime thriller will grip you from start to finish.

Rated as best Leonardo DiCaprio film by Player chatter“The Departed is the only film for which Martin Scorsese won the Oscar for Best Director.” Featuring popular stars like Matt Damon, Jack Nicholson and Mark Wahlberg, this film was an instant box office hit. And best of all, Leo's “portrayal of Billy is solid and offers more than enough to make the character feel authentic.”

2. “Inception” (2010)

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“Inception” takes you into an unfathomable reality. As reported by Business InsiderThe film “showcases DiCaprio's talent at an all-time high,” while his ability to handle complex emotional levels of intensity knows no bounds. “It's a performance that doesn't get enough credit,” but nonetheless serves as a testament to visionary storytelling.

Described as a “real fan favorite” by FilmWebInception features “an incredibly original plot from Nolan, who not only directed but also wrote the screenplay.” In the role of Dom Cobb, DiCaprio uses advanced technology that allows him to “penetrate people's minds and find out their secrets by searching their subconscious.” A dramatic thriller, this film will expand the boundaries of your reality to new horizons.

“After perfecting heartthrob, thrilling drama and intelligent action films, DiCaprio ventured into this new genre for him and it paid off,” explains Many of many. Leo brought heartache and drama to the story as he grieved for his late wife and estranged children. “Inception just wouldn't have been the same without Leo.”

3. “Titanic” (1997)

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Join young Leo on the Titanic for a cinematic experience like no other as he sails across the North Atlantic. DiCaprio's role as Jack Dawson touched a nerve in all of us. Film-Web He said the film “is a true masterpiece in terms of costuming, acting, direction, set design, music and cinematography.” Directed by James Cameron, Titanic is a unique film that is an emotional rollercoaster ride.

Over 25 years ago, Leonardo DiCaprio starred in Titanic, a “film that launched DiCaprio’s career,” says Many of manyFrom the spark of newfound love to the deep pull of heart-wrenching tragic moments, Titanic became one of the “highest-grossing films of all time,” winning a record-breaking eleven Oscars.

“With this phenomenal hit from James Cameron, DiCaprio went from being a respected actor to a global film star,” says Gold Derby. Titantic is a timeless romantic classic that intricately weaves historical significance with adventure, romance and tragedy, and earned DiCaprio “his second Golden Globe Award nomination and, as a member of the film's ensemble cast, his second Screen Actors Guild Award nomination.”

4. “Catch Me If You Can” (2002)

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Another masterpiece by Leonardo is “Meet Frank Abagnale Jr., a remarkable young forger who, at the tender age of 21, skillfully impersonates a doctor, a lawyer and a pilot,” reports BuddyTVDirected by Steven Spielberg and starring Tom Hanks as the pursuing FBI agent, Leonardo DiCaprio nails his performance, bringing this brash and charismatic con artist to life.

Player chatter put it right: “There's something incredibly likable about Frank Abagnale Jr.” “Catch Me If You Can” captures the whole essence of his character and “the confidence that DiCaprio brings to the role” takes the audience on a risky chase around the globe. Perhaps most impressive is how Leo “makes the character relatable, which isn't always easy when that character also happens to be a criminal mastermind.”

Described as “another milestone for DiCaprio” Business InsiderCatch Me If You Can showcases Leonardo DiCaprio's ability to carry a film from start to finish. From assuming multiple identities to forging millions of dollars through fraudulent checks, DiCaprio's talents are a real treat that leaves film critics reeling between right and wrong.

5. “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” (2009)

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Described as “a love letter to Hollywood’s golden age as only Quentin Tarantino can write” by Film Lifestyle“Once Upon A Time In Hollywood” “follows the story of fading Hollywood actor Rick Dalton (DiCaprio) and his stunt double Cliff Booth (Brad Pitt) as they navigate the changing landscape of the industry in 1969 Los Angeles.”

Leonardo DiCaprio's performance in “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” has received worldwide acclaim and is reminiscent of the magic of cinema. With meticulous attention to detail and a “fantastic chemistry between DiCaprio and Brad Pitt,” as it is said, Player chatterThis film received several Oscar nominations and reminded audiences of Leo's unmatched ability to bring complex characters to life.

“Call it the perfect marriage of an actor who feels like he's at a crossroads in his career, or the fact that he's just so infectiously funny and charming, but his Rick Dalton in Quentin Tarantino's look at classic Los Angeles is his best work yet,” says diversity. Leo's acting and magnetic screen presence make for an unforgettable cinematic experience and are transformative.


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