
“Angry baby” goes viral after newborn photos

CINCINNATI, Ohio – A newborn is gaining national attention and going viral after showing his “angry” face during a newborn photo shoot.

What you need to know

  • Baby Trent went viral after a Cincinnati photographer posted pictures of his newborn with “angry” faces
  • The baby's mother says it's a good baby, but maybe he was making faces because he didn't want to come out and they had to do an emergency c-section
  • The photographer who took the pictures says it is the most expressive baby she has ever photographed.

What Lauren Carson does requires a lot of patience. She is a newborn photographer in Cincinnati. She has been capturing babies' first moments for ten years.

“I love capturing the little nuances of kids, whether it's funny faces or, you know, a toddler acting like a toddler,” Carson said.

She said that in all these years she was not prepared for what was about to happen to her little boy.

“He is by far the most expressive I have ever had,” she said.

Two-week-old baby Trent became known for his now internet-famous face.

“He made me laugh. His mother and I laughed so hard at his session,” Carson said.

Baby Trent is the youngest of four children and the only one his mother Jessica Mundy said did not want to come out, and that was clearly evident.

“With my other three children, births were quite natural and fairly quick, but this one was not and he got stuck, so we had to do an emergency C-section,” Mundy said.

His mother said she was happy that his face made everyone else smile.

“I was also really happy that he brought so much joy to people and that they, you know, shared it,” Mundy said.

And this despite the fact that he may not always enjoy taking photographs.

“I kept trying to tell people that he really wasn't grumpy, that he wasn't uncomfortable, that he was wrapped up nicely but not too tightly,” Carson said. “He could have come out if he really wanted to. That's just the look on his face. That's just the way he is.”

Carson said since baby Trent's newborn photos came out, more and more parents have been asking for pictures of her. For more information about her studio, click here.