
Corey Stoll explains why his son doesn't want to see his movie “Ant-Man”

[This story contains spoilers from Ant-Man and Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania.]

Corey Stoll's son Nico is not quite ready to see his father in the role of supervillain.

The actor who plays Yellowjacket in Marvel’s Antmansaid recently People Magazine that his 8-year-old son “just started watching the 2015 superhero film,” but he hasn't gotten very far with it.

“He said, 'That's weird,'” Stoll recalled, adding that he thought “it was a little weird for him to see me as the villain.”

The House of Cards The actor plays alongside Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas and Evangeline Lilly in AntmanAlthough Stoll’s character seemed to die at the end of the film, he returned in 2023 in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumaniaonly this time he used the name MODOK

The Billions The star later spoke about the impact of fame. Although he knows it is part of the acting profession, he told the outlet that it was important for him and his wife Nadia Bowers to make sure it was “not a central part of [their son’s] Life.” They even used a previous business trip to Italy to show their son the creative side of their job.

“He actually saw what went into the creation of the work,” Stoll recalls of the trip. “That was really important for us, so he knows I'm not doing this to get famous. It's not fame for fame's sake. The fame is a byproduct and something that helps you get more work, but it's the work that is the reason I do it and what gives me satisfaction.”