
How Vision Quest is preparing an unexpected Phase 6 MCU movie


  • Vision Quest
    led by
    Showrunner Terry Matalas, will premiere on Disney+ in 2026.
  • White Vision's search could tie in with the events of
    Armament wars,
    Building a larger storyline in Phase 6.
  • Vision Quest
    could be used to identify the main villain for
    Armament wars
    possibly the evil AI Ultron.

Disney+ may reduce content from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but Vision Quest is still making progress with a new showrunner in Picardby Terry Matalas. The series is intended to be a direct sequel to 2021. WandaVisionwhich introduced a new version of Paul Bettany's Vision, a reconstructed synthezoid with all-white features, sometimes referred to as White Vision. Transformed from a drone to a reflective hero, the hero escaped Westview in WandaVisionafter the original Vision implanted his own memories into his doppelgänger's mind. Now White Vision is searching for his own identity in hopes of reclaiming what was taken from him by the SWORD agents who restored his body.

Vision QuestThe 2026 release date places it firmly in Phase 6 of the MCU, the third and final phase of the Multiverse Saga. This gives the Disney+ series the perfect opportunity to tie in with the events of a particularly exciting Phase 6 film, War Machine's upcoming solo film. Armament wars. The upcoming film, originally conceived as a series, follows Don Cheadle's James “Rhodey” Rhodes as he tries to preserve Tony Stark's legacy after his advanced technology falls into the wrong hands. Vision's upcoming solo series could perfectly fit into the events of Armament warsand provides the perfect foundation for the highly anticipated Phase 6 film.

Everyone in the MCU wants Vision's technology


Armor Wars could give Rhodey his big Iron Man moment

If technology falls into the wrong hands in Armor Wars, James Rhodes could potentially face a problem that his best friend Tony Stark struggled with.

Upcoming MCU series


Release date

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18 September 2024

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March 2025

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Vision Quest


Since Tony Stark's death during the events of Avengers: EndgameThere were countless villains who were after the Starks’ technology, including Vision's high-tech synthezoid body. In WandaVisionthe secret agency SWORD, led by Tyler Hayword, acquired Vision's body from Wakanda and disassembled it to use the vibranium that made up his body. They eventually rebuilt Vision's body in the form of White Vision, which they used to infiltrate Westview and nearly kill Wanda Maximoff. Now that White Vision is on the loose, there are even more dangerous enemies who could try to acquire his advanced technology for their own nefarious purposes.

One villain who might be interested in Vision is Sharon Carter, who is rumored to be in Armament warsSharon Carter will not Armament wars' main villain, she could appear as an antagonist in Vision Questhunts White Vision for her mysterious employer, with whom she speaks on the phone in the post-credit scene of . The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. This unseen benefactor would certainly be interested in Vision's technology, hinting at a larger storyline that plays out across several Phase 6 titles. Vision Quest could also finally reveal who Carter worked for, possibly Iron Man 2the long-dormant antagonist Justin Hammer or the newly introduced Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, whose craving for Vibranium is well documented. The revelation of this shady villain could also lead to the revelation of a larger conspiracy to bring back an even bigger villain.

Vision's synthezoid technology could bring back a major MCU villain

Ultron prepares for the attack in “Avengers: Age Of Ultron”.


10 reasons why Armor Wars is the best event for Iron Man

Iron Man has many great storylines, but Armor Wars captures the hero's themes and armored technology better than any other event.

Vision's appearances in the MCU

  • Avengers: Age of Ultron
  • Captain America: Civil War
  • Avengers: Infinity War
  • WandaVision
  • Vision Quest (upcoming)

Rumor has it that Ultron Armament wars' main villain since the film's announcement. Tony Stark's most infamous creation, Ultron, would be the perfect villain to challenge the late hero's legacy and force War Machine into action. Ultron's death at the end of Avengers: Age of Ultron presents the MCU with a puzzle as to how to bring the villain back. A series like Vision Quest Answering this question would perfectly position Ultron as Armament wars' Main villain. Vision Quest can follow Ultron's minions, including Sharon Carter, Justin Hammer and Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, as they attempt to bring Ultron back with the help of Vision.

Ultron was the Avengers’ most threatening villain and would be most welcome in Vision Quest or Armament wars. Furthermore, it would make sense for Vision to play a key role in bringing the rogue artificial intelligence back for another round. After all, it was Ultron who created Vision, who would become the AI's next body. Vision even carries a certain amount of Ultron's personality within him. Therefore, Vision could be the key to bringing Ultron back, because Vision Quest If this is the case, the series could end with an epic cliffhanger that could mark Ultron’s return and a preparation for Armament wars.

Will Vision appear in Armor Wars?

Vision and White Vision (Paul Bettany) face each other


RUMOR: Marvel Studios delayed Ironheart for Iron Man synergy with Armor Wars

According to a new rumor, Marvel Studios delayed the release of Ironheart in part so that the Disney+ series could be released closer to Armor Wars.

Armament wars revolves around Don Cheadle's War Machine, marking the first time the character has had a solo film in his long tenure in the MCU. Despite this, fans generally felt that he wouldn't be the only Avenger to appear in the series. Rumors ranged from Rhodey teaming up with an AI replica of Tony Stark to the hero forming his own branch of the Avengers to combat the threat that may face him in the upcoming film. However, it would be a better choice to pair War Machine with a single other hero, such as White Vision, to keep the film focused on their mission rather than getting bogged down in sprawling storylines and team-ups.

Besides that, Armament wars will have a lot to do, especially after Rhodey's Skrull revelation in Secret Invasion. The film needs to explain exactly how long Rhodey was gone, what his life is like now that he has returned, and the damage his Skrull doppelgänger caused before he was discovered, so it may just be too much for Armament wars squeeze another hero like White Vision into his story and possibly focus exclusively on War Machine. However, if the theories about Ultron's return prove to be true, Armament wars might find vision necessary to tell his story.

Vision Quest is still a long way from its premiere on Disney+, but it is already one of the most exciting installments in Phase 6 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The series offers an exciting opportunity to get to know Rhodey's Armament wars The film features a multi-part plot that could be one of the best parts of the Multiverse Saga.

Vision Quest Temp Image

Vision Quest

Paul Bettany

Main genre

Marvel film universe

Characters of
John Buscema, Roy Thomas

main characters
The vision


Jac Schaeffer

Production company
Marvel Studios