
COD 2024 is called Call of Duty: Black Ops 6

UPDATE 2:30pm UK: Activision has now confirmed that this year's COD will indeed be titled Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.

This will be the 21st mainline Call of Duty game overall, and – fun fact – the first to have a number higher than four in the title. Eurogamer's original report covering today's newspaper advertisement for the game is below.

ORIGINAL STORY 10:30am UK: This year's still-secret COD will be titled Call of Duty: Black Ops 6, fans discovered in a newspaper ad this morning.

Images from USA Today show an advertising insert for this year's shooter, which includes the game's logo and title, as well as a number of news items from the gaming universe.

Fictional news reports detail the destruction of Mount Rushmore, as seen on the Call of Duty Black Ops 6 teaser website last night.'s first mysterious footage from the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 ARG. Watch on YouTube

“Famous presidents blindfolded in brazen act” is the headline in the universe. The story explains how an unknown group climbed the American landmark at night to hang banners reading “The truth lies”. The perpetrators are believed to be either “anti-government extremists” or “anarchist pranksters”.

Found this at work
byu/Deth3588 inblackops6

Other headlines report on the failure of the American dream (which is now “out of reach for the average American”) and the upcoming US elections, which are supposedly dividing society.

“As the election cycle accelerates, it is becoming clear that the deciding votes will be cast in a few key swing states that will determine which political puppet will take the blame for the country's stalled legislative efforts over the next four years,” the newspaper writes.

“As divisions deepen and trust in political leaders wanes, American families must navigate an increasingly polarized landscape marked by uncertainty. As the cycle of empty platitudes continues, the fabric of American society groans under the weight of disillusionment and division.”

Again, to be clear, this is all supposed to take place within the universe, I believe.

One commentary, meanwhile, speaks of a “culture war” in which “rationality and logic” were “declared dead on the scene, having succumbed to fatal injuries in the crossfire.” “Attempts were made to revive critical thinking and common sense by providing facts and appeals to common humanity,” the article continues, “but the efforts proved futile in the face of the relentless onslaught of divisive narratives and deeply rooted prejudices.”

Definitely in the universe, yes.

While all of this points more towards a modern setting, it has already been reported that Black Ops 6 will be themed around the Gulf War. In fact, some had expected the game's title to tie in with Black Ops: Cold War and include the conflict in the title.

The fact that this is not the case keeps the setting more vague, which may contribute to its greater appeal. Also interesting is that the title does away with the Roman numerals of Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 – officially Black Ops IIII.

(And yes, Eurogamer's Christian Donlan actually went to the British Museum to find out why IIII was used as an alternative to the more common Roman numerals for four – IV.)

Microsoft will fully reveal Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 at its showcase event in June, spending an entire hour detailing the game. Of course, we've yet to see gameplay and hear a release date. We're also waiting to hear details about how Black Ops 6 will be released through Xbox Game Pass – reportedly perhaps via a new, more expensive tier.