
The MCU's mysterious Iron Man follow-up film may finally establish the next Avengers leader


  • Marvel Studios'
    Armament wars
    could name James “Rhodey” Rhodes as the next leader of the MCU’s Avengers team.
  • Rhodey's MCU history and Multiverse Saga storyline mean he is very deserving of a leadership position on the new Avengers team.
  • Even if Rhodey doesn't lead the core Avengers team,
    Armament wars
    could bring Marvel Comics' West Coast Avengers into the MCU.


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A veteran MCU hero could become the perfect leader for the next Avengers team in the upcoming Marvel Studios film Armament wars Movie. After making his debut as James “Rhodey” Rhodes in 2010 Ironman 2Don Cheadle revealed that a War Machine-focused film is in development. Although there was silence after that, Marvel Studios boss Kevin Feige confirmed in 2020 that a “War Machine” series would be produced for Disney+, although in 2022 it was announced that the series would be reworked into a film. Not much is known about Marvel Studios. Armament warsbut the project is expected to continue Iron Man's MCU legacy.

Don Cheadle's Rhodey was one of the most sidelined characters in the MCU, despite being active in the franchise from the start. Terrence Howard originally portrayed Rhodey in 2008 Ironman, but Cheadle had the honor of fully integrating War Machine into the MCU. While War Machine fought alongside Iron Man, became an official Avenger, and fought against Thanos and his armies, Armament wars will mark Rhodey's first solo MCU project. It's high time for Rhodey to become a main character, especially after his tragic Multiverse saga story and the MCUs Armament wars can make that possible.


The MCU Phase 6 can break with an Iron Man film tradition for the first time in 16 years

Iron Man and War Machine's MCU appearances have held a surprising record since their introduction in 2008, but a Phase 6 film could finally change that.

War Machine could lead the MCU's new Avengers

Rhodey's war machine flies into space in Avengers Endgame

Current speculation suggests this Armament wars could see Rhodey building a new Avengers team in the MCU. Current updates on the upcoming year 2025 Captain America: Brave New World I revealed that Sam Wilson's Captain America will be called upon to reform the Avengers, who have been absent from the MCU since 2019 Avengers: Endgame. However, Captain America: Brave New Worlds The first footage did not confirm whether Sam Wilson will actually agree to put together the new Avengers team or whether he will lead the team long-term when he creates them. Therefore, there is an opportunity for Rhodey to take on the leadership role.

This could provide Rhodey with the perfect opportunity to become a main character in the MCU, something he sorely deserves after 16 years as a sidekick and supporting hero. Rhodey watched as both Captain America and Iron Man led the Avengers and will have learned from the mistakes of his predecessors, making him a more competent and confident leader. Similar to Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, Rhodey's military history also means he has the tactical thinking necessary to be a strong leader, and this would perhaps be War Machine's best way to continue Iron Man's legacy in the MCU.


Every Avengers team in the MCU, ranked by strength

The original Avengers team may be the MCU's most iconic, but it's far from the only one, and the many Avengers squads have different strengths.

Rhodey's multiverse saga storyline makes him perfect to form the new Avengers

In the wake of Avengers: Endgame, Don Cheadle's future in the MCU as War Machine was uncertain. Rhodey briefly reappeared in Phase 4 The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Sam monitored Wilson's speech as he donated Captain America's shield to the United States government. This set up Rhodey's return as President Ritson's advisor in Phase 5 Secret invasion, which revealed that Rhodey was actually a Skrull, Raava, in disguise. Since that revelation There has been some confusion as to when Rhodey was replaced, but this could mean that becoming the leader of the Avengers would be the perfect next step for the hero.

It was also revealed that Martin Freeman's Everett K. Ross was replaced by a Skrull
Secret invasion
although it is unclear when exactly he or Rhodey were replaced.

Some theories suggest that Rhodey was swapped for a Skrull after his accident in 2011 Captain America: Civil Warwhile others suggest the change may have occurred later Avengers: Endgame. At any of these times Rhodey would have awakened again Secret invasion with the Avengers mindset still being a constant presence in the MCU. His realization that the Avengers are no longer working together may lead him to re-form the team Armament warsespecially as he may be searching for new purpose after the death of his best friend and his own traumatic multiverse saga experiences.

The new Avengers forming in Armor Wars would add more meaning to the project

War Machine fights in Wakanda in “Avengers Infinity War.”

Since Marvel Studios' Kevin Feige confirmed the development of Armament wars back in 2020, There has been some pushback from viewers who may not see a need for Rhodey to have his own adventure without Iron Man. Marvel Studios has come under fire in recent years for producing a variety of new projects Avengers: Endgame, with many failing to connect and seemingly contributing little to the overall narrative of the MCU. Some would argue Armament wars fits into this category, but brings together the MCU's new Avengers team Armament wars would certainly allay these concerns.

Most theories suggest that Sam Wilson will form the new Avengers team Captain America: Brave New Worldas President Ross would like, but Captain America: Brave New World may already be saturated with various storylines. This includes the introduction of Harrison Ford's President Ross, the development of Samuel Sterns' “Leader”, the introduction of mind-controlled super soldiers including Isaiah Bradley, the exploration of Joaquín Torres' new Falcon and the introduction of new mutant characters such as Sabra. Since there's so much going on, Captain America: Brave New World may not be the best place for the new Avengers to debutBut Armament wars The plot provides the perfect opportunity for team building.


Sam Wilson's new MCU costume suggests Marvel is repeating its best Captain America story

Sam Wilson's new Captain America suit has been fully revealed in a new image and appears to be reminiscent of Marvel Studios' best Captain America story.

Marvel Comics' Armament wars The plot involved Tony Stark traveling the world to retrieve stolen Stark technology from various armored villains. Rhodey can embark on the same journey in the live-action MCU Armament wars Project and was able to come into contact with a number of newly introduced heroes during his travels. This could include the likes of Shang-Chi in San Francisco, She-Hulk in Los Angeles, Moon Knight in London, and Shuri's Black Panther in Wakanda, all of whom could assist War Machine in his mission, which would allow the new Avengers to form seamlessly and organically in the MCU.

Armor Wars' Avengers may not be the main version of the team

Sam Wilson in his new blue Captain America suit in the Captain America Brave New World image

In fact, the idea of ​​Rhodey's War Machine becoming the leader of the Avengers in the MCU may be unorthodox, especially since there are more powerful and substantial heroes, including Captain America, Captain Marvel and Doctor Strange, who may be better suited for the job. But even if he doesn't lead the core Avengers team, Rhodey can still take on a leadership role Armament wars. In 1984, Rhodey became a founding member of Marvel Comics' West Coast Avengersand since there are rumors that this team will join the MCU very soon, Armament wars prepares his debut perfectly.

In Marvel Comics, Clint Barton's Hawkeye and Vision formed the West Coast Avengers to expand the superhero team's influence across the country. The original team consisted of Hawkeye, War Machine, Bobbi Morse's Mockingbird, Simon Williams' Wonder Man and Greer Nelson's Tigra, although Ant-Man, Moon Knight, the Scarlet Witch, US Agent and Spider-Woman, among others, appeared in the series See what the team's roster has been like over the years. With so many new heroes being introduced in the multiverse saga, it makes sense that smaller Avengers teams would form alongside the core teamSo Armament wars could feature Rhodey as the leader of the MCU's West Coast Avengers.

Armor Wars poster

Armament wars

Originally conceived as a Disney+ series, Armor Wars is an MCU film centered around Rhodey Rhodes' mission to honor Tony Stark's legacy and prevent his Iron Man technology from wreaking havoc when it enters falls into the wrong hands. Starring Don Cheadle as War Machine, Marvel Studios' Armor Wars adapts the multiverse saga comic book story of the same name to the big screen.