
Google blocked more than 2.8 million malicious apps on the Play Store in 2023

Google's Android has an enviable market share of almost 70 percent in mobile operating systems. According to current figures, there are more than 3.6 billion Android phones worldwide. One of the main reasons why people love Android phones is that they offer better user interface customization compared to other platforms.

However, it also attracts threat actors to exploit naive phone users. They develop sneaky techniques to force users to install malware-infected apps on phones.

While phone users are discouraged from venturing onto shady websites, platform owners like Google and others also have a responsibility to keep their platforms clean and prevent malware-infected apps from entering the ecosystem.

Now Google has announced that it has blocked more than 2.8 million malicious apps from entering the Play Store.

The company also rejected nearly 200,000 app submissions and asked some to resubmit the applications and be more transparent with customers about data collection.

With improved screening technology powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), Google was able to quickly identify threat actors. It blocked more than 333,000 malicious developer accounts that tried to submit malicious apps to the Play Store.

In recent years, Google has taken measures to protect the Play Store from Trojans.

In 2019, the company founded the App Defense Alliance with major cybersecurity firms such as ESET, Lookout and Zimperium. Since then, many major technology companies such as McAfee, NCC Group, Netsentries, Cyberdefense, Presicient Security and MicroTrend have joined ADA.

It should be noted that Microsoft and Meta are steering committee members of the App Defense Alliance. Recently, Oppo and OnePlus joined the team.

“Protecting users and developers on Google Play is paramount and constantly evolving. In 2024, we will launch new security initiatives, including removing apps from Play that are not transparent about their privacy practices. We're constantly working on new ways to protect your privacy.” “Experience on Google Play and across the Android ecosystem, and we look forward to sharing more,” Google said in the official blog.

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(Published April 30, 2024, 11:31 am IS)