
Why aren't WNBA players paid the same as NBA players?

The biggest names in basketball are going to the WNBA, not the NBA, and it's time for them to get paid equally.

The 2024 WNBA Draft class
Source: Getty Images

Accordingly AssetsIn 2023, WNBA players earned an average base salary of $113,295, with the highest salary in the league being just over $241,000. NBA players earn an average of $9.7 million, with the highest salary being $51.9 million. This base salary is 85 times higher for NBA players. The highest paid player is more than five times that.

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After NCAA players Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese joined the WNBA, superstars who helped generate the best ratings for every college basketball game, many people are wondering why they aren't paid nearly as much as NBA players . Maybe things will change when people see players like Caitlin and Angel in WNBA games. The 2024 WNBA Draft featuring these two players drew an average of 2.45 million viewers – the most of any WNBA Draft and a 307 percent increase in viewership compared to last year.

Angel Reese and WNBA Commissioner Cathy Engelbert at the 2024 WNBA Draft.
Source: Getty Images

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For financial reasons alone, WNBA players may be underpaid, but the same goes for NBA players.

Accordingly WSN, the WNBA generated $60 million in revenue in 2023. The NBA generated $10 billion in revenue in 2023. While WNBA players earn 85 times less than NBA players, if their salaries were the same across the league, they should earn 190 times less. This is not an argument for paying WNBA players less, but rather an argument for both leagues underpaying their players.

No matter how you do the math, you get paid a lot more in the NBA than in the WNBA.

When a league generates $10 billion in revenue every year and the best players in both leagues make more from sponsorships than from player salaries (LeBron James, Stephen Curry and Caitlin Clark all make more money from sponsorships and endorsements than from their productivity). the place), then something is wrong. It's particularly bad in the WNBA. At least no NBA player plays overseas to make more money.

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Brittney Griner will play for the Mercury in 2023.
Source: Getty Images

Because of the WNBA pay, some of the best players play overseas.

Brittney Griner was scheduled to earn $228,000 playing in the WNBA the year she was imprisoned in Russia. The Sports News reported that she earned $1 million a year playing in Russia.

While most WNBA players who also play abroad are not unfairly imprisoned and made an example of, it is telling that the best of the best have to leave their home country to achieve what they rightfully deserve.

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While basketball fans hoped that WNBA salaries would reach at least half of what the same players earn overseas, that simply hasn't happened so far. The buzz surrounding Caitlin could generate enough interest across the league to ensure these athletes get what they deserve.

Caitlin Clark and Angel Reese will play against each other on April 1, 2024
Source: Getty Images

Based on the 2024 NCAA Women's Basketball Tournament ratings and 2024 WNBA Draft ratings, more people than ever will likely watch the 2024 WNBA Games. Perhaps the increased viewership will increase ad purchases, ticket sales and merchandise sales. Once the league is making more than $60 million a year and approaching the NBA's financial numbers, it's only a matter of time that superstars like Caitlin and Angel start getting paid like LeBron and Stephen.