
Hate crimes and aggravated assault were reported at the MSU library

According to an MSU Police email sent to students and faculty on April 15, a group of five suspects attacked two victims based on a sexual orientation bias at Michigan State University's main library.

The hate crime occurred at the Michigan State University Library at 5:45 p.m. and was reported to MSU police at 5:50 p.m

The email states that the suspects “intentionally selected the victim(s) based on the perpetrator’s sexual orientation.”

MSU spokeswoman Emily Guerrant said that safety is MSU's priority and that MSU Police believe there is no ongoing threat to the campus and this incident has been reported to the Office of Institutional Equity.

“We don’t want any type of violence to occur on our campus,” Guerrant said. “We want everyone to feel safe on our campus, whether as a student or as a visitor to campus using the library. It’s important that people feel safe at MSU.”

MSU police said, “If you see something, say something,” and released the suspect’s information:

  • Suspect: 1 black teenager, wearing khaki shorts, Mountain Dew t-shirt, police officers
  • Suspect: 2 black teenagers, wearing white hoodie and black pants
  • Suspect: 3 black teenagers wearing white t-shirt, white shorts and curlers.
  • Suspect 4 black teenagers wearing red pants, black shirt and white sweatshirt.
  • Suspect 5 black teenagers wearing white t-shirt and green shorts.

This is a developing story. Stay with The State News for updates.

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