
Is this the next big trend in lesbian fashion?

Queer fashion is constantly evolving and this witty couple think they've figured out the next big thing in lesbian style.

Ari and Col are a lesbian couple with more than 335,000 followers on their joint TikTok account, through which Ari shared an important discovery about the future of fashion.

“This year I’m stepping up my game,” Ari announced. “I'm going to be the gayest I've ever been, and how I'm going to get there is…the belt buckle.”

The belt buckle is a classic cowboy accessory, but these days you're probably only going to see it worn by ranchers. However, Ari is convinced they're perfect for wearing to the gay bar, and they proved it by undoing five new buckles on camera, much to Col's delight.

“I’m starting a new trend,” Ari said. “I can’t wait to wear these every day.”

Ari unpacked the buckles in order from “least” to “most gay” (by his own estimation). Buckle number one was a butterfly – beautiful, but not a screaming sapphic energy.

However, buckle number two provided a lot of momentum. It shows a yellow triangle with the words “YIELD: IT'S MORE FUN” written on it. What exactly does the buckle refer to? It's unclear, but it is something strange definitely continues there.

One commenter suggested that it might be “an advertisement for enthusiastic approval,” to which Ari readily agreed.

The third buckle upped the ante, depicting a busty woman sculpted in bronze alongside the words “BLUSHING MELONS FIRM AND FRUITY.” It's crazy to think that this is still only the third gayest buckle in Ari's growing collection.

The fourth buckle is simple but effective: the Subaru logo. Seeing this, Col intervened and said, “Tell me why I just started drooling?”

And finally, the buckle that Ari called “Magnum Opus”: a buckle with the U-Haul logo. It really couldn't be more lesbian.

The comments were full of overwhelming support for the belt buckle renaissance.

“I've never been a fan of belt buckles, but apparently that's just because I've experienced buckles made by straight guys,” one commenter wrote. “It’s all fabulous.”

“I was thinking about investing in belt buckles and this sold me,” another shared.

The buckles even had a commenter questioning her sexuality: “Am I gay??” They're so cool.”

Ari noted that they sourced several of the buckles from eBay, and the online marketplace chimed in in its comments section.

“This was absolutely captivating,” eBay wrote. “We’re sitting for the styling video.”

So far, Ari has only fully styled one buckle (the Subaru logo), with a fit that many have described as “Reba McEntire woke up,” which is absolute high praise.

You heard it here first: Stock up on your local belt buckle supply before the faster Sapphikers snap them up.

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