
Enjoy Amazon's Fallout TV show tonight? You can spice things up by playing Wasteland Cliché Bingo

Eek, it's only a matter of hours until Amazon's Fallout TV show drops today! If you're planning on watching it straight away, firstly I hope you're not at work tomorrow if you're in the UK as it ends at 2am our time and secondly I'd like to thank a member of the Fallout community You can even play a fun little game while you're high.

Yes, we all know that people like you and me who play video games have incredibly short attention spans, so someone came up with a very convenient way to keep our eyes glued to the screen even when Walton Goggins is unable to. Stretching out our eyes and pulling faces near the TV (I suspect).

Say hello to the spoiler-free Fallout TV bingo cards put together by Fallout content creator and streamer JessicaStar. There are ten of them, and they're all packed with classic Fallout clichés and situations that the denizens of the wasteland simply can't avoid.

As you may have guessed, the premise is simple: you and everyone you watch with each receive a card. Then if one of the things on it happens on the show while you're watching it, cross it out until you've beaten everyone else and gotten a line or a full house. If this explanation is not enough, here is a concrete example.

Suppose Lucy, the Vault Dweller, discovers something that makes her realize that Vault-Tec may not have done 100% no harm in building its Vaults, shortly after she meets an amusingly crazy robot that has a Vault guarded -Tec lunch box. If you had the number one bingo card, you would have scored three clubs throughout the exchange.

Look, if you need tips, just ask your grandma, but don't challenge her to a game unless you want to lose worse than a raider bringing a sharpened pool cue to a Fat Man fight.

Oh, and if you're one of those people who still wants to get an idea of ​​what the series looks like before watching, you can check out whether any of us liked it or not. Ignore the tagline that says he's already reinstalled Fallout 4, that has nothing to do with his conclusion as far as you know.