
LeBron James laughs about being attacked by JJ Redick: 'What the F–k'

LeBron James and JJ Redick may be co-hosting a podcast together now, but the two haven't always been on the same page.

On Wednesday's episode Watch the game On the podcast, Redick brought up his crossover with James, then a Miami Heat player, during a March 13, 2012 game against Redick's Orlando Magic.

“What happened here?” Redick asked.

“What happened here is I didn't know your ass could do such a stop-and-go, what the fuck,” James laughed. “I didn't know you had that in your arsenal…you totally turned me around.”

James and Redick's comments come around the 47-minute mark of the video above.

Redick confused James and successfully hit the shot, although it bounced off the basket with the score tied at 94-94 in overtime.

“If I had taken that shot, I would have pinned that highlight to the top of every social media account,” Redick told James. “God, if I had taken that shot… It's not a highlight. It shouldn’t be on YouTube.”

“You know why it’s on YouTube,” James replied. “Because it’s against me. Everything that is done against me is on YouTube, regardless of whether it is a highlight or not.”

Despite Redick's miss, the Magic ultimately won the game 104-98.

It was James who got the last laugh this season. He was named MVP of both the regular season and the Finals and led the Heat to the championship.