
Malaysian beauty queen stripped of title after viral holiday video

A Malaysian beauty queen lost her title after a video of her dancing while vacationing in Thailand went viral on social media.

Viru Nikah Terinsip, 24, also returned her title just hours before Kadazandusun Cultural Association (KDCA) president Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan called for her to be stripped of her crown.

Accordingly, Ms. Terinsip was seen “dancing suggestively with scantily clad male dancers.” Asia One.

She won the Unduk Ngadau Johor title in 2023. The pageant is one of the highlights of an annual harvest festival in Sabah and is held to commemorate the spirit of Huminodun, the mythological maiden who is believed to have a beautiful heart has a beautiful mind and a beautiful soul.

Mr Kitingan confirmed the move, saying: “This wouldn't be a problem if she was just an ordinary person.”

“There were a lot of mixed reactions, some saw the humor in her video, some felt sympathy, others were unhappy and complained. We [KDCA] “I don’t want to become a target and attract unnecessary attention,” he said, according to the statement The star.

“We hope that she will accept this decision well. This should serve as a warning to all Unduk Ngadaus not to repeat the mistake,” he added.

Before the final decision was made, Ms Terinsip renounced her crown and posted a video on social media in which she said she would like to return the title “with honor and humility”.

“I joined the Unduk Ngadau competition voluntarily and returned this title without any coercion. I respect my decision,” she said, according to the statement The new times of the strait. “The title isn’t everything. It’s about believing in myself and valuing myself.”

“The title does not determine perfection or success. “I’m not perfect,” she added, emphasizing: “Everyone makes mistakes.”

“I am grateful for all the beautiful words from netizens and let's focus on other issues and more forward,” she said.

“Most importantly, please leave my family and friends out as they are not involved in this matter. It's up to you whether you would accept [my explanation] or not, but this comes from the heart. Thanks for listening.”